Engage Employees Part 1: Why engage employees? Just stay focussed on business.
I have been seeing significant discussion on employee engagement and the futility of it. I completely agree with all those who think we should not engage employees and instead stay focussed on business. I recall meeting the Managing Director of a large cement manufacturing company during my consulting days, who told me that cement was produced by kilns and not people. He told me that investing in employee engagement was good for businesses where factor of production was people- typically service industry. I told him that I completely agreed with him and requested him to educate me if he had patented kilns that his competitors did not have access to. I further asked him if that was the reason- his company was making huge profits while the others were not. He went on to explain to me that the kilns were manufactured by four companies in the world and all the cement manufacturers had similar kilns. He further explained that kilns ran on their own for 300 days and at that level ...